Sunday 29 June 2014

Review - Zico Coconut Water in 'Chocolate' *

I was very kindly offered by Zico to try Zico Chocolate as I had written in my Zico Original and Zico Mango Review (link below) that I would love to try the flavour, so they sent me 12 bottles to try which was a lovely surprise! For me, chocolate and coconut are a perfect combination as they are my two favourite ingredients so I could not wait to try Zico Chocolate.

I can honestly say that Zico Chocolate is possibly the best chocolate flavoured drink which I have ever tasted... and as all my friends and family know that is a very big statement for me to make as I used to be addicted to Frijj chocolate milkshakes.

Zico naturally supports hydration with the help of five electrolytes - magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus and as much potassium as a banana contains. The ingredients of Zico Chocolate are coconut water from concentrate, coconut cream, fat reduced cocoa, stabiliser: carrageenan, natural chocolate flavouring with other natural flavourings. There are 20 calories per 100ml, so therefore the 400ml bottle contains 80 calories, which I think is incredible for a chocolate flavoured drink compared to a Frijj milkshake which contains around 400 calories in a 400ml bottle. 

 I can say, however that I was a little worried about trying this drink as I did not know how how chocolate flavoured coconut water would taste as I tend to think of chocolate flavoured drinks to be quite thick.

Zico Chocolate has a thin consistency, like water I suppose and is chocolate brown in colour and in my opinion is best to drink when extra chilled as it is surprisingly very refreshing! It tastes exactly like a chocolate milk with a subtle coconut flavour. I have added on a few occasions Zico Chocolate to my protein shake (vanilla) in the morning which tastes amazing so it works as a great base.

You can also buy Zico Chocolate in a 1L bottle, but I personally find the 400ml bottles so handy as you can have a gorgeous drink on the go.

I love drinking Zico Chocolate for when I want something sweet, but do not want to be naughty and have some actual chocolate or sweets. I would definitely buy 'Zico Chocolate' again and cannot wait to purchase my next batch.

To find out all about Zico Chocolate, check out Zico's website (link below) where you can find out all about its overview, benefits and recipes.

Have you ever tried Zico Chocolate before? What other Zico flavours have you tried? What other coconut water do you like to drink?

Speak soon,
L x

Zico Chocolate - Zico
Zico Mango and Zico Orignal Review

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